A mainframe computer is a large multi-user computer system (cost L500000 upwards) used as the central computer service of a large organization, it was a powerful computer, and it typically bulk the data processing such as the census, industry and consumer statistics, financial transaction process and etc. For example, Gas Board customer accounts. Large organization could have several mainframe and minicomputer systems, but both of this is possibly on different sites, linked by a communications network.

A microcomputer is a single user computer system (cost L2000 to L5000) based on an 8-bit microprocessor (Intel 8080, Zilog Z80, Motorola 6800). Its also a computer with a microprocessor ad its central processing unit. They are physically small compared to mainframe and minicomputers. It is used for small industrial (e.g. small control systems), office (e.g. word-processing, spreadsheets) and program development (e.g. schools, colleges) applications.
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